WAGMC Seed Grant!

Report on Institutional Visits to Selected Universities in Tokyo Japan to Strengthen Global Partnerships

November 3, 2020

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Ebenezer Oduro Owusu led a six-member delegation visiting four institutions of higher education in Tokyo, Japan from 8th -18th December, 2019.   The purpose of the visit was to develop and expand a framework of cooperation and collaboration between the University of Ghana and the Tokyo Medical and Dental University, the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, the Tsukuba University and the Meiji University. The University of Ghana’s week-long engagements with these Universities will inform the development of mutually beneficial programmes, projects, and activities.

There are existing Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) signed with three of the Universities and during these institutional visits, the University of Ghana ratified an MOU with Tsukuba University.

The scope of the discussions during the visits focused primarily on;

  • Joint projects related to research, teaching and faculty development
  • Stays and exchanges of lecturers and researchers;
  • Stays and exchanges of students;
  • The creation or development of educational programmes or scientific research common to both Universities
  • Organisation of cultural and scientific events.
  • Best practice exchanges


Name  Position
Professor Ebenezer Oduro Owusu Vice- Chancellor
Professor Samuel Kwame Offei Director, Biotechnology Centre
Professor Patrick F. Ayeh-Kumi Provost, College of Health Sciences
Professor Andrew Anthony Adjei Coordinator Vice-Chancellor’s Strategic Teams
Professor George Oduro Nkansah Director, Institute of Applied Science and Technology
Professor Ebenezer Anno Nyako  Dean, University of Ghana Dental School


The UG Team arrived at TUAT and paid a courtesy call on the President of TUAT, Professor Hiroyuki Ohno and Vice President Professor Okayama.

In his opening remarks, the President of TUAT reiterated the 20 years association between TUAT and The University of Ghana (UG) and hoped that the friendship would continue in areas of Agriculture and Technology.

In return, the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ghana, Professor Oduro Owusu informed the host that he was delighted to be at TUAT again to advance the partnership in areas of student and staff exchanges as well as research collaboration.

After the opening session, there were extensive engagements between the two teams, and these included a blend of roundtable discussions, facility tours and one-on-one discussions, particularly in the areas of Marine and Environmental Sciences, Agriculture, Science and Technology.  The other areas of further research/collaboration mentioned in the meeting included:

  • Artificial intelligence and smart agriculture/farming
  • Cocoa agroforestry
  • Medical engineering
  • Medicinal plants
  • Food processing/nutrition
  • Increase in student exchange
  • Joint doctoral programmes supervision
  • Biotechnology
  • Agricultural engineering
  • Plant factory fruit production
  • Precision farming approaches to small-farm agriculture/agronomy
  • Scholarship


The Team held meetings with the President of Tokyo Medical and Dental University on the second day.  The President of Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU), Professor Yasuyuki Yoshikawa, in his remarks said he was happy to meet with the UG Team to explore further areas of collaboration in Medicine and Dentistry; adding that he felt the need to increase the number of students (from University of Ghana Dental School) admitted to TDMU.  The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ghana, Professor Oduro Owusu said he shared the same sentiments with his colleague and indicated that it was the primary reason the Team from UG seeks to expand on the existing partnership with TMDU. After the welcome remarks, discussions centered on further collaboration in medicine, dentistry and nursing.  Other areas of the discussions included joint supervision of PhD Students.


The meeting took place at the University of Tsukuba President’s Conference Room.

Professor Nagata, President of Tsukuba University welcomed the UG Team. He stressed on the importance of research collaboration and the increase in student enrolment from Ghana.  The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ghana, Professor Oduro Owusu also made similar remarks on the need to have stronger partnership and to have a formal agreement between the two universities.

After the welcome remarks, discussions centered on expansion of exchange for early career faculty and students, particularly in the areas of Environmental Sciences, Biotechnology, Bioscience, Virology as well as Medical research.

Coordinators were appointed from the two teams to discuss areas of mutual interest. Professor Andrew Anthony Adjei, Coordinator, Vice-Chancellor’s Strategic Teams was nominated to lead the UG Team.


The meeting took place at Meiji University’s President’s Conference Room.  The President of Meiji University, Professor Kei-ichiro Tsuchiya welcomed the UG Team.   He remarked that, he was happy to meet with the UG Team to explore new areas of collaboration especially in the Humanities and Agriculture.   He felt there was the need to increase the number of African students to his University.   In response to his request, the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ghana, Professor Oduro Owusu said he was also elated to meet him and explore partnership collaboration with him.   After the welcome remarks, discussions centered mainly on further collaboration in Humanities and Agriculture as well as the possibility of increase in the numbers of African students, particularly students from University of Ghana.


Professor George Oduro Nkansah, Director, Institute of Applied Science and Technology met Professor Maruo at the Kashiwanoha Campus, Chiba University on 13th December 2019. The two Professors discussed possible research exchange of staff and students as well as collaboration with Chiba University’s industry partners. Professor Maruo said he was happy to see Professor Nkansah, a former student of his laboratory and agreed that there should be a signed MOU between the two Universities in 2020 for further partnership. Professor Maruo mentioned he would be happy to introduce some of their industry partners to UG in areas of food processing technology. He mentioned Ajinomoto and Iwatani as some of their industry partners.


Professor Nkansah met the Yanmar team on 16th December, 2019 at Osaka.  Discussions at Yanmar centered on the possibility of Yanmar donating a combine harvester to the Agricultural Engineering Department and the Soil and Irrigation Research Center, Kpong to be used for training of students in rice production.  The possibility of setting up a remote support centre in areas of agriculture was also discussed.

Source: University of Ghana