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WAGMC Completes Medical Outreach Tour in Okyeman

February 18, 2020

 WAGMC Centre Leader, Professor Ofori-Acquah in a handshake with Okyenhene Osagyefo Amoatia Ofori Panin during his tour in Achiase

The West African Genetic Medicine Centre (WAGMC), a new African Centre of Excellence (ACE) in the University of Ghana, has completed a 3-week outreach programme in the Akyem Abuakwa State.  As Chair of the Medical sub-Committee of the Royal Tour commemorating the 20th Anniversary Celebration of the Okyenhene, Osageyfo Amoatia Ofori Panin, Professor Solomon Ofori-Acquah, Dean of the School of Biomedical and Allied Health Sciences seized the opportunity to propel WAGMC into the national limelight by launching the Centre’s first community outreach programme as an integral part of the anniversary celebrations.

A 50-member team made up of physicians, scientists and support staff formed a dynamic mobile medical unit and screened over 2,500 people in Asamankese, Achiase, Asoum, Begoro and Kyebi, for various diseases.

WAGMC Medical Outreach Team

The outreach was a highly collaborative one which brought faculty from University of Ghana, partner academic institutions, and sectoral sponsors together. The WAGMC Sectoral Liaison Officer, Dr. Yvonne Dei-Adomakoh, Head, Department of Haematology, spearheaded a drive to obtain drug donations for the tour.

A typical medical screening scene at Asamankese

Dr. Amma Benneh-Akwasi Kuma, a Senior Lecturer, Haematology Department and WAGMC Community Liaison Officer, led the General Medicine and Haematology group. Professor William Ampofo of the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research spearheaded screening for HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis with Dr. Neal Boafo and Ms. Nana Akua Victoria Owusu of the Department of Audiology, Speech and Language Therapy facilitating screening for hearing and speech impairment. Dr. Della Komla Adzosii, Korle Bu Teaching Hospital also led the Paediatric Care group. Drs. Akwasi Anyanful and Frank Ghartey, WAGMC faculty at the University of Cape Coast headed the team screening for breast cancer while Dr. Kofi A. Anie, Consultant Psychologist, Imperial College London, UK and WAGMC International Faculty rendered counselling services for sickle cell patients.

Medications including anti-malarials, anti-hypertensives, haematinics, anti-diabetics, analgesics, anti-helminthics and those for skin and eye conditions were dispensed free of charge kind courtesy of A-Z Pharmacy, Bedita Pharmacy, East Cantonments Pharmacy Ltd, Osons Chemist Ltd, PALB Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Vita Pharma and Paediatric Society of Ghana.


 The Audiology, Speech and Language Therapy group explaining their work to the Okyenhene and his entourage